Chick Chain Project

Livestock projects help teach youth responsibility.  The chick-chain is a good 4-H project because the care for chicks is not as costly as the care for a horse or calf.  However, the chicks still require space, time, and money.  Raising chickens is fun and rewarding, but be prepared to care for them.

Both the Black Sex Links and Rhode Island Reds are excellent brown egg layers.  Please research both breeds prior to submitting your application to see which breed you think would be a better fit for you.  There will only be 20 participants per breed.  We will do our best at providing your first choice, however, breeds will be assigned on a first come, first serve basis at sign-up. 

How do I raise chickens? If you have never raised chicks before, don’t be afraid – give it a try!  You can attend our educational chick chain meeting to learn all about raising chicks, (date to be determined).  You will receive 12 chicks that will arrive in Mid-March.  The chicks must be raised and cared for through-out the summer in preparation for the Poultry Show & Sale.

Expenses?  Expenses will include the cost of the chicks, feed, water, housing and other materials needed to promote good healthy chickens, as you see fit.

Poultry Show: In August, you are expected to bring 3 of your hens to the 4-H Chick-Chain Poultry Show & Sale, held in conjunction with the Macon County Fair.  Hens will be judged in comparison to other participant’s hens of the same breed.  Prize money & ribbons will be awarded to each participant per breed & lot.  A Grand Champion and Reserve Champion will be announced in each grade division per breed.  An overall Grand and Reserve Champion will be chosen as well, per breed.

Poultry Sale:  Should your hens receive a grand champion or reserve grand champion prize from their lot, your hens will be sold to the highest bidder immediately following the show at the poultry sale. Money received from the sale of your hens will be yours to keep.  Your remaining hens are yours to keep, sell or eat.

Selling of other pullets:  If your 3 chickens aren’t eligible for the poultry sale, or if you choose to sell any other of your chickens, arrangements to sell these will need to be made on your own.  You may contact possible buyers at the show.

“Food for thought”: (1) Proper housing & shelter for your chickens from the weather, is a must have.  Baby chicks have down, not feathers, so they will need a good heat source until their feathers develop.  (2) By the time your pullets are 20 weeks old, each will require 4 square feet of floor space. (3) Do not give your chickens scratch grain or table scraps.  Birds that are fed scratch grain will not lay as many eggs as birds that are fed a well-balanced complete feed. (4) During the first 20 weeks, you can expect each pullet to eat about 20 pounds of feed. (5) 70% of the cost of raising chickens is due to feed cost.  (6) Raising chickens is a great way to provide eggs for your family. (7) Selling eggs is a great way to off-set the cost of feed.

How do I sign up

First, talk to your parents and get their permission.  Then, complete the Chick Chain order form & contract on the front page and return it with cash or a check made payable to MACON CO. EXTENSION for $45 to our office, across from The Lafayette Police Department on Friday, February 24, 2023, beginning at 7:45am. If 2 siblings of 4-H age choose to participate, each youth will have to purchase their own set of 12.  There will be no sharing of sets.