Horse Judging is one of the most educational and popular activities of the 4-H Horse Project. In horse judging contests, you evaluate the confirmation & performance of different types and breeds of horses, by placing each animal in a class. Secondly, you must be able to defend that placing through oral reasons (sr. high students only).
Judging horses is an art that must be developed through patient study and long practice. A student must:
- Know the parts of a horse and their location.
- Know which parts are most important and the most desirable form of each part.
- Visualize the ideal horse, perfect in all respects.
- Make keen observations of horses and compare them to the ideal.
- Weigh the good and bad points of each horse.
- Develop a system of examining horses so important points won’t be overlooked.
Horse judging helps youth to: develop communication skills; make decisions based on facts & observations; compete with a sportsmanlike attitude; learn a skill essential for success in the horse industry; develop self confidence.
To participate on a team or for more information, e-mail Kayla Jenkins or contact her by telephone at
(615) 666-3341.
Useful Resources
HORSE JUDGING MANUAL: University of Kentucky – College of Agriculture
Eligibility: Students must be in the 4th-12th grade.
Contest: Contests are held each March in Murfreesboro.
Practices: Practices are held after school once a week at the 4-H office and begin in early February.