Livestock Judging

Evaluation of livestock is an exciting and thought-provoking experience. The purpose of livestock judging is to allow students to utilize critical thinking, problem solving, and teamwork skills to select the best livestock from a set number of classes, by comparing your perception of an animal against the ideal. You then contrast your opinion with that of another individual or group of individuals.

In addition, students shall be prepared to give oral reasons to defend their placing on respective classes.
(sr. high students only)

Teams consist of 4 members and animals evaluated are beef, goat, sheep, and swine.

To participate or learn more about livestock judging, please e-mail Kayla Jenkins or call (615) 666-3341.

Eligibility:  Offered to students in 4th-12th grade.

Contest:  Contests are held each April in Murfreesboro.

Practice:  Practices are held at the 4-H Office after school, typically twice a week, and begin in early March.