Grill Master Challenge

2023 Jr. & Sr. High Outdoor Meat Cookery Teams.

In the grill master challenge competition, a team consist of 4 members in which each student prepares one of the following meats for judging: beef, lamb, pork, and poultry. Judging is based upon grilling, taste, and presentation.

This activity is excellent in helping students in the following areas: Decision Making, Healthy Lifestyle Choices, and Teamwork.


  • An grill master challenge team will consist of four members. A team will have an individual in each of the four divisions: beef, lamb, pork and poultry.
  • Each contestant will provide two (2) fresh, uncooked, meat items; one for the team platter and another for sampling. The retail cut is the participant’s choice; however, the cut must be prepared within the time limit. The poultry item may be either chicken or turkey. The cut can be marinated prior to the contest. Contestants should be prepared to state a degree of doneness (rare, medium rare, medium, medium well or well done) for beef, lamb and pork cuts.
  • Preparation and cooking time limit is two (2) hours.  The contestants are required to turn in the prepared meat at the end of the stated cooking time. Contestants will submit only the prepared meat cut to the judges; that is no additional items (drink, vegetables, etc.) should be submitted to the judges.
  • The contestant should provide a copy of any recipes used to the judges. Sauces and marinades may be commercial or personal recipe.
  • Barbecue grills, charcoal, starters, grilling supplies, table set-ups must be provided by the contestants. Grills with or without hoods may be used. Also, aluminum foil may be used to construct a windscreen or hood.
  • Contestants will work alone except for the setting up of the cooking area and preparing the meat platter for presentation.

Eligibility: Students must be in grades 6 thru 12, as of January 1st of the contest year.

Contest:  The contest is held each August, in conjunction with the Wilson County Fair in Lebanon, TN.

Practices:  Practices begin in early July and are held at the 4-H office and the Macon County Fairgrounds. For more information or if you have an interest in participating in this event, please e-mail  Kayla Jenkins or by phone at (615) 666-3341