Soil Testing

Soil testing is a basic crop production practice that is often forgotten. It can provide useful information on the proper amount of lime and fertilizer needed for lawns, gardens, crops, etc. Testing can prevent potential fertility problems in next year’s crop and diagnose nutrient deficiencies or toxicities for poorly growing plants.

Areas to avoid testing are small areas where soil is obviously different from the rest of the landscape such as, low lying wet areas, yard or landscape borders, ditches, severely eroded areas and fence rows.

It is very important that the soil be collected properly for sampling.

To collect samples, use a hand garden trowel, shovel or spade. Mix soil or sub-samples in a clean, plastic bucket. If fertilizer or other chemicals have been used in the bucket, wash and rinse thoroughly before using it for soil sampling. Residue from fertilizer or lime can contaminate the sample and produce inaccurate results. If the lawn has healthy and poor growing areas, test both areas separately. By comparing the results, the soil test may point out troubles that exist due to lack of nutrients and /or incorrect pH.

Dig down at an angle about 6 inches to make a cut, dig right behind the first cut and use this slice of soil. Take approximately 18 to 20 sub-samples within each acre. The sample should not represent an area greater than 10 acres. Mix these sub-samples together to bring in for testing. Approximately 1/2 pint is sufficient. You can bring it in a plastic baggie or you can stop by the Extension Office and pick up a soil sample box.

The basic soil test fee is $5.00, which includes Water pH, Phosphorus, Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium, Lime and Fertilizer recommendations. Citizens Bank and Macon Bank & Trust Co contribute to each soil test fee.